Children and Minors

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ABC compliance investigations, use of minors - HB 728: HFA(1)
  • for minor, consent process for - SB 196
  • performed upon a minor, consent to, persons authorized to give - HB 214
Abstinence education, crisis pregnancy centers - HCR 123
Abuse reports, penalty for false reports - HB 142: HFA(12)
Abuse, false report of - HB 142: HFA(10)
Abused or neglected child, redefine - HB 142; HB 142: HCS (1),(2), HFA (11)
Adoption, putative father registry, establishment of - HB 918
Adoptions, priority on judicial calendar - HB 884
Alcoholic beverage investigations, age limits on investigators for - SB 30
All-day kindergarten, study of - SCR 125
Autism, redefine term - SB 63: HFA(6)
  • helmet, required for persons under age 14 - HB 254: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
  • operators or passengers under 14, helmet use required - HB 254
  • under 14, require mouthpiece - HB 254: HFA(5)
  • under 14, require pads for - HB 254: HFA(7)
Board of education's agreement with police to take nonattending students into custody - HB 193
Centralized placement service, children in placement - SB 292; HB 518
  • abuse investigations - SB 60
  • abuse reporting, access - SB 83
  • care assistance account, drivers license fees - HB 756
  • care assistance account, fee collection - HB 756: HFA(1)
  • custody, actions for - SB 205: SCA(1),(2)
  • custody, award of - SB 205: SFA(3)
  • custody, equal, shared parenting - SB 290
  • day care, licensing, public information - HB 583: SCA(1)
  • health insurance - SB 128: SCS
  • placing and child caring agencies, licensing and regulation - HB 617
  • placing and child caring agencies, licensing and regulation - HB 653
  • sexual abuse, investigation of - SB 58: SCS
  • support - HB 161: HCS, HCA (2)
  • support arrearage, licensure revocation - HB 161: HCA(3)
  • support collections - HB 161: HFA(2)
  • support enforcement - HB 161: HFA(1)
  • support payment, wage withholding - HB 161: HCA(1)
  • support payments - HB 161: SCS
  • support, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, modifications to - HB 159
  • support, adjustments to guidelines - HB 895
  • support, avoidance of payment - HB 473
  • support, enforcement, comprehensive revision - HB 161
  • support, income includes awards attributable to lost wages - HB 161: HCA(4)
Child, wrongful death of - HB 181: HCS
  • trust fund, creation of special license plate to help fund - SB 112
Child-caring facilities, reimbursement formula - HB 677
  • sexual abuse, actions for - SB 53: SFA(2)
  • sexual abuse, limitations on civil actions for - SB 53: SCA(1)
Children in placement, transfer of information - HB 449: HCS
  • Health Insurance Program - HB 255: HCA(1)
  • Health Insurance Program, benefit schedule - HB 255: HFA(1)
  • health insurance, preventive health program application - SB 128: HFA(1)
  • insurance plan, require no-copay plan to include dental services - HB 255: HFA(2)
Citizens' review boards, appointment by judges - SB 72: SCA(1)
Commission on Human Services Collaboration - SB 161: SCS
  • school attendance until age 18 or graduation - SB 170
  • school attendance, age 18 or graduation - HB 113: HCS
  • school attendance, statement for medical exemption - HB 190
  • school attendance, until age 18 or graduation - HB 113
  • abuse of a child, penalty for - HB 224
  • child enticement, offense for - HB 585
  • justice matters, free conference committee report - HB 455: FCCR
  • justice, omnibus revision - HB 455: HCS(1),(1)
  • record check prior to placement - SB 95
Custody for nonparents - HB 221
Custody, judicial supervision - SB 61
  • care center licenses, information regarding - HB 583
  • care operators, prohibit certain offenses - HB 583: SFA(2)
Department of Juvenile Justice, expansion of - HB 690
Dependent child, definition of - HB 37: SFA(3)
  • Facility Standards Committee - HB 690: HFA(2)
  • facility-costs - HB 690: HFA(1)
Detention, staff eligible for hazardous duty - SB 229
Diplomas, posthumously awarded - HB 53: HCS
Disabilities, infants and toddlers with - SB 95: HFA(1); HB 826: HFA (1)
Discipline, exclude reasonable discipline from emergency custody issues - HB 142: HFA(1)
Dispositional hearing, children in placement - SB 291; HB 449
Divorce, counseling session for parents and children required - HB 896
Driver's license, instruction permit, who may sign for a minor - HB 464
Driving under the influence, increased penalties for - HB 921
  • custody orders, issuance of - SB 416
  • medical services - HB 249: HCS
  • medical services for children program, establishment of - HB 249
Emotionally disturbed children, councils, membership of - SB 95: HFA(3)
Employer provided child care, grants for - SB 23
Endangering the welfare of a child, elements of - HB 334
Establish procedures for the transfer of information about children in placement - SB 291; HB 449
Evidence considered in the best interest of children by courts - HB 142: HFA(13)
  • children, educational programs, funding - SB 210
  • students, educational programs - HB 519
  • students, educational programs for - HB 519: SFA(1)
Expungement of record, juvenile offender - HB 455: SFA(9)
Extracurricular activities, participation of students in - HB 185
Fake i.d., increase penalty for minor using to buy alcohol - SB 206
Fathers paying child support, education program for - HB 159: SFA(2)
Foster care, citizen review boards - SB 72
Funding for Department for Alcoholic Beverage Control for underage smoking - SB 247: SFA(1)
Governor's Off. of Child Abuse & Domestic Violence Services, creating EO's 96-423 & 96-1620 - SB 264
Graduated driver's license, change age of accompanying driver to 19 - HB 14: HCA(1)
Guardians, reduced bonding required for certain property - HB 294
  • insurance coverage, autistic children - SB 63: SFA(2)
  • insurance, program for - SB 128: SFA(1)
Healthy Children's Program & Foundation, access to health insurance - SB 2
Hearing screening tests, infants - HB 456
Helmet use by bicyclists under 14, allow local governments to pass ordinances requiring - HB 254: HFA(6)
High school athletics, hearings and eligibility - HB 215
Home study programs, compulsory school attendance, exemption - HB 435, 436, 441
House of Representatives Outstanding Youth Leadership Award - HR 144; HR 144: HFA (1)
Income tax, credit, adoption of special needs children - SB 327
Individuals playing a substantial role in a child's life, allow visitation for - SB 95: HFA(2)
Infant Hearing Screening Program - HB 456: HCS
  • and toddlers with disabilities - HB 826: HFA(2)
  • and toddlers with disabilities, interagency councils, membership - HB 826
Inspections of day-care centers and family child-care homes, disclosure of - HB 583: HCS
  • councils, membership - HB 826: HFA(2)
  • councils, membership of - HB 826: HCS, HFA (1)
  • planning for children, expedited procedures for placement - SB 292; HB 518
Joint custody as first preference - SB 386: SCS
  • code, trial as youthful offender, when - HB 885
  • crimes, punishment of - HB 689
  • detention facilities, payment for - HB 455: HFA(13)
  • Justice, state to pay costs of detention from time of commitment - HB 455: HCS(2)
  • records, policy custody of - HB 270
  • prohibition against execution of - HB 691
  • transportation to detention facility - HB 490
  • Children's Health Insurance Program - SB 128: SFA(2), HCS; HB 255: HCS
  • Children's Health Insurance Program, establishment of - HB 125
Killing by use of deadly weapon, legal action - SB 408; HB 832, 833, 834, 835, 836
Legislative branch budget - HB 319: SFA(1)
Medicaid reimbursement, behavioral health, residential care - HB 617: SCA(1)
  • records, Kentucky Birth Surveillance Registry, access by - SB 336
  • treatment, parental consent - SB 294
Membership, task force on teens and tobacco - HB 381: HFA(1)
Minors, purchase of alcoholic beverages, prevention of - HB 581
Nine months, amend all public and private records to increase age by - SB 249: SFA(3)
Parent and Child Education Programs, dispersing funds - HB 86: HCS
Parental rights, termination of - HB 132: HFA(1); HB 142: HFA (2),(3),(4),(5),(6)
Parenting plan for child custody and visitation - SB 386
Parents and adult children, visitation - HB 872
Permission for medical treatment - HB 145: HFA(2)
Person, definition of - SB 249: SCA(1)
Pick-up trucks, prohibit from riding in open bed if under 18, limited exceptions - HB 192
Prohibited marriage, offense against child - HB 13: HFA(5)
Project graduation, allocation from malt beverage education fund - SB 207: HCA(1)
Proof of age for purchasing alcoholic beverages, acceptable forms of - HB 728: SFA(1)
Provision for medical treatment - HB 145: HFA(1)
  • school students, health services - HB 189: HCS
  • Department of Juvenile Justice, Executive Order 96-1503 - SB 155
  • Department of Juvenile Justice, Executive Order 97-891 - HB 358
Require helmet use, skateboarders under 14 - HB 254: HFA(4)
  • care, reimbursement, out of state providers - HB 617: SFA(2)
  • psychiatric treatment centers, requirements for - SB 220
Safe firearms storage - SB 49
  • prayer, students' rights - HB 2: HFA(3)
  • records, release to law enforcement agencies - HB 455: HFA(1)
  • safety, omnibus provision - SB 25
  • safety, omnibus provisions - HB 57
  • vouchers, private schools - HB 683
School, excused absence, death of family member - HB 773
  • abuse investigation - SB 58
  • abuse offenders ineligible for probation - HB 188
  • abuse, limitations of civil actions - SB 53
Siblings, sexual abuse by - HCR 103
Special needs children, tax credit for adoption - SB 327: SCA(1)
State agency children, educational funding - SB 293; HB 447
Swimmers under the age of 14, require helmet use by - HB 254: HFA(8)
Teens and Tobacco Task Force - HB 381: HCS
  • of parental rights, jurisdiction - SB 84
Therapeutic foster care, children in, classification as state agency children - SB 293; HB 447
  • products use, illegal - HB 561: HCS
  • products used by minor, confiscate - HB 561: HCS
  • products, furnishing to minors prohibited - SB 146: HFA(4)
  • products, possession by minors - SB 146: HFA(3)
  • products, purchased by minors - SB 146
Tuberculosis testing - HB 131
Tuberculosis, testing for - HB 131: SCA(1)
Underage drinking, penalty for - HB 661
Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act - HB 159: HCS, HCA (1)
Visit of child with parent who murdered other parent, limit - HB 489: HFA(1),(3)
  • of child by parent who murdered other parent - HB 489; HB 489: HCS
  • with persons if in the best interest of the child - SB 205: HFA(1)
Wrongful death of a minor, parent recovery for - HB 181; HB 181: HFA (1)
Youth at risk, LRC study - HCR 76

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