hearings, feasibility of establishing central panel for - SCR 198
regulations - HB 374: HFA (1),(2),(3)
regulations affecting, fiscal note analysis required - SB 98
regulations cost analysis and compliance efforts - HB 374: SCS
regulations, central state government Web site to provide system for registration - SB 96: SCS
regulations, notification form, agency to provide electronically - SB 96
Agencies' IT infrastructure, review of, consolidation of operational control by COT - SB 134: HCS
Agency, definition of - HB 397: HFA (8)
Development Board, add Kentucky State director - HB 448
Development Board, set member per diem - HB 639
Assessment for public schools, changes in - SB 130: HCS
ATVs, require helmets for operators and passengers under 16, exempt agricultural use - HB 117: SCS (1)
Bicycle and Bikeways Commission, allow to file amicus briefs - HB 53
and commission members, potential, notification of financial disclosure requirements - HB 654
of Dentistry, per diem rate, increase - HB 603
of Emergency Medical Services - HB 155
of Medical Licensure, certification of surgical assistants by - SB 173: HCS
of Nursing, controlled substances electronic data, access to - HB 518
of Nursing, Nurse Licensure Compact, enactment of - HB 102
and commissions members, nonsalaried, not required to file financial disclosure - HB 655
and commissions, appointments, Governor permitted to achieve gender equity with - HB 2
and commissions, various ones abolished - HB 623; SB 134: HCS
for Health & Family Services, long-term care facilities, notification of inspections, penalties - HB 360
for Health & Family Services, long-term care minimum staffing committee, creation of - HB 362
for Health & Family Services, Governor's Wellness and Physical Activity Initiative - HB 646: HCS
for Health and Family Services, administrative regulations, AEDs at fitness facilities - HB 182; HB 182: HCS
for Health and Family Services, cancer, registry for tissue research, establish - SB 218
for Health and Family Services, collaborate on organ and tissue donor registry - HB 57: HCS
for Health and Family Services, commend for leadership of - SJR 104
for Health and Family Services, cooperative agreement with I-SaveRx program - HB 709
for Health and Family Services, drug reimportation from Canada, responsibilities of - SB 27
for Health and Family Services, establish organ and tissue donor registry - HB 57; HB 57: HFA (1),(2)
for Health and Family Services, foster parents, rights and responsibilities - HB 159; HB 159: HCS, HFA (1)
for Health and Family Services, foster parents, training in investigations required - HB 159
for Health and Family Services, health information technology coordinator - SB 249
for Health and Family Services, newborn screening, coverage of prescribed foods - SB 18
for Health and Family Services, penalty for reprisal against whistle blowers - SB 207
for Health and Family Services, prescription drug assistance program, creation of - HB 200
for Health and Family Services, trauma care system, establish and fund - HB 724
Development Committee, abolishment nullified - HB 623: HCS
projects threshold amounts, increase - SB 84
Career employees, promotional increments of - HB 523
Casino Gaming Advisory Committee, creation of - HB 601
Charitable Asset Administration Board, abolishment nullified - HB 623: HCS
CMRS Board, responsibilities of - SB 53
Commissioner of Education, appoint hearing officers - HB 498
Office of Technology, copies of aerial imagery from entities within KY to be sent to - SB 111
Office of Technology, agencies' confidential or privileged data - SB 134: HCS
Office of Technology, public building planning and mapping system - SB 171; SB 171: HFA (1),(2)
Office of Technology, require copies of aerial imagery from entities within Kentucky - SB 111: SCS
Office of Technology, require copies of aerial imagery from entities within KY - SB 111: HFA (1)
Corrections, Department of, administrative regulations - HB 351
Criminal Justice Training, Department of, concealed deadly weapon license, training for - HB 204
Dental college, dental hygienist board member shall not be faculty of - HB 603: HFA (1)
for Community Based Services, recommend modernization of - SR 323; HJR 10
for Local Government, state local debt office - SB 28: HCA (1)
for Public Health, osteoporosis, education and prevention program of - SB 202
of Agriculture, anhydrous ammonia, dye additive for - HB 176
of Corrections, fees levied by - HB 425
of Education, establish new baseline for accountability index - SB 130
of Education, interoperability study - HB 341: CCR
of Education, NCLB reports - SJR 199
of Education, remove district pilot program from interoperability study - HB 341: FCCR
of Education, Schools Interoperability Framework - HB 341
of Education, state assessment program, writing not be required - HB 7
of Education, technology interoperability, mandate - SB 228
of Military Affairs, military families, assistance for - SB 2; SB 2: SCS, HCS
of Parks, property controlled by, prohibition against interference with - SB 176: SCS
of Parks, use of park by off-duty employees - SB 151
of Veterans' Affairs, veterans' benefits claims, assistance with - HB 310
for Mental Health and Mental retardation, resource center created by - SB 234
for Mental Health and Mental Retardation, resource center created within - SB 174: HCS
for Public Health, retail food establishment donations, exempt regulation by - HB 68
for Public Health, retail food establishment, donations, exempt from additional regulations by - HB 68: HFA (1)
Determining school facilities construction needs, additional weights included - SB 165
of Emergency Management, local emergency management director, qualifications - SB 177
of Emergency Management, public building planning and mapping system - SB 171; SB 171: HFA (1),(2)
of Kentucky State Medical Examiners Office, drug-related deaths, annual report by - HB 67: HFA (1)
Early Childhood Development Authority, intervention program responsibilities - HB 355
Education, nutrition standards, approved beverages, skim and 2% milk - SB 48
Professional Standards Board, Council on Postsecondary Education, KDE - HJR 14
Professional Standards Board, rank of teachers, qualifications for - HB 125
Eminent domain, authority and procedure - HB 554
End-of-course exams, Kentucky Department of Education to conduct pilot of - HB 197: HCS
Engineers, continuing education, exemption provided - SB 34: HFA (2)
and Public Protection Cabinet, hearings, procedures for - HB 470
and Public Protection Cabinet, junk and scrap recyclers, jurisdiction over - HB 85
Branch Budget, free conference committee report - HB 380: FCCR
Branch code lobbying provisions, applied to the Public Service Commission - HB 52: HCS
branch ethics code, applied to unpaid executive officers - SB 6
branch lobbying, registration fee established for - HB 298
Administration, overnight travel, prior approval for lodging - HB 465
and Administration Cabinet, private automobile usage rates, removal of secretary's authority - HB 60
and Administration Cabinet, requests for travel - HB 465: HCS
Forestry Best Management Practices Board, administration, reporting - SB 147
Franklin Circuit Court, creation of alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB 257
Government contracts, preference for Kentucky small businesses in - HB 185
and Family Services, adoption, home study requirements - HB 169
and Family Services, children's residential services, location of, notice to public - HB 170
and Family Services, Medicaid, abortion coverage by - HB 575
and Family Services, Public Health, kidney disease, laboratory tests, recommendations - HCR 31
and Family Services, strategy to eliminate healthcare disparities - HB 213
Hearing report procedures and timelines, make changes to - HB 470: HCS
Heritage Council, documentation and standards for preservation of rock fences - SCR 130
Hiring, veterans' preference - HB 24: SCS (2)
Historic Properties, direct to display plaque honoring Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs - SJR 160
Historical markers in and around Capitol, Finance Cabinet, direct consideration and placement of - HB 36
Buildings and Construction administrative regulation procedure, exemptions from - SB 224: SCS
Buildings and Construction, changes in authority to promulgate administrative regulations - SB 224
Human Rights Commission, sexual orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 369
Identity theft protection - HB 4
Improvements in state-leased property - SB 216
James G. Cibulka, confirmation to the Education Professional Standards Board - HCR 39
Branch Budget, Free Conference Committee Report - HB 382: FCCR
Justice Cabinet, sex offender registrants - HB 11, 157
Justice, Medical Examiners Office, reports on presence of illegal drugs - HB 67: HCS
Justice, residential services, location of, notice to public - HB 170
Justice, records, access, facilities - HB 351
KDE and School Facilities Construction Commission, study of facility planning - HJR 220
KEES scholarships, scores required for - HB 551
Board of Education and commissioner of education, appeals to - HB 546: HCS
Board of Education, appointment of C.B. Akins, Sr. to - HCR 224
Board of Education, appointment of Gail W. Wells to - HCR 223
Board of Education, appointment of Jeanne H. Ferguson to - HCR 225
Board of Education, appointment of Katheryn R. Baird to - HCR 229
Board of Education, appointment of Wilburn Joe Brothers to - HCR 227
Board of Education, appointment, John Douglas Hubbard - HCR 222
Board of Education, eligibility change for high school athletics managed and controlled by - SB 77; HB 432
Board of Education, reappointment, R. Keith Travis - HCR 226
Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans' benefits, administration of - SB 67
e-Health Network, advance directive and organ donation registries, supported by - SB 19
Equine Breed Authority, creation and duties of - HB 601
Gaming & Lottery Corporation, duties and authority of - HB 601
Gaming & Lottery Corporation, rename Kentucky Lottery Corporation as - HB 601
Gaming Commission, creation of - HB 346
Heritage Council, recognized for 40 years of exemplary service - HCR 161
Horse Park, capital construction projects - HB 223
Infrastructure Authority, addition of three members - HB 623: HFA (1)
Military Heritage Commission, designees, allowance of - SB 133
Recreational Trails Authority, add members to - HB 309: HCS
Retirement Systems, employee participation in state programs - HB 154: HCS
River Authority, members and meetings of - HB 623: HFA (2)
State Use Commission, creation of - HB 13
board of authority, appointment to - HB 449
encouraged to study KEES awards at certain out-of-state institutions - HR 323
executive director, duties of - HB 449
board of directors, appointment to - HB 449
executive director, duties of - HB 449
Ky e-Health Network, registries of existence and location of advance directives, supported by - SB 19: SCS
Land use agreement, authorize to enter - SB 241
Leave, family military - HB 357
Licensing boards, role required in credentialing of military spouses - SB 74
Literacy and health services for preschool children - HB 355
emergency practice, requirement of - HB 206: HCS
emergency procedure system, establishing - HB 206
Lorraine G. Williams, confirmation to the Education Professional Standards Board - HCR 42
Lottery sales, Sunday sales banned - HB 222: HFA (1)
pay-for-performance demonstrations, application by - SJR 176
tobacco dependence treatment, coverage of - HB 62; HB 62: HFA (1)
Meningococcal meningitis, provide information about - HB 475
Narcotic treatment program, location of - HB 297
National board certified teacher mentors, supplement for - HB 617
Offenses, on park property - SB 176: SFA (1)
of Charitable Gaming, authority and responsibility of - HB 702
of Homeland Security, executive director's responsibilities - SB 59: HFA (3),(4)
of Homeland Security, responsibilities of - SB 59
of Housing, Buildings & Construction, plumbers' license renewal, continuing ed. requirement - HB 478
of Insurance, captive insurers, regulation of - HB 342
of Security Coordination, public building planning and mapping system - SB 171; SB 171: HFA (1),(2)
of the Attorney General, appoint hearing officers - HB 330, 510
Parks, sale by state employees of craft items to - HB 195
Per diem, establish for Agricultural Development Board - HB 639
Personal information, privacy - HB 175; HB 175: HCS, HFA (1)
Board, confirmation of Jack C. Smith, Jr. to - SR 270
Board, final order, appeal from - HB 397: HFA (1)
Board, hearings, location of - HB 397: HFA (2)
Board, selection method changes, approval of - HB 397
Cabinet, confirmation of Executive Order 2005-891 - SB 117
Cabinet, Governmental Services Center's location - SB 117: HCS
Cabinet, hiring employees - SB 239
Cabinet, Office of the Secretary, deletion of certain duties - SB 117: HFA (1)
Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 117: SCS
Cabinet, secretary to conduct review of merit hires - HB 397: HFA (6)
Physicians Care Program for the uninsured, creation of - SB 180; SB 180: SCS, HFA (1)
Prison Industries Enhancement Program, create - SB 119
Private property, taking, restrictions on - HB 165
Privatization contracts requirements, extending application of - HB 400
and parole, sex offender monitoring - HB 11
and Parole, sex offender monitoring - HB 157
Problem Gambling Fund Committee, establishment of - HB 601
Property controlled by Department of Parks, prohibition against interference with - SB 176
buildings and grounds, historical displays, guidelines for promotion of - HB 277
Health, smoking cessation, no cost for children in state custody - HB 92; HB 92: HCS
parking fees, POW and disabled veteran license holders exempt from - SB 42
Service Commission, lobbying provisions of Executive Branch Ethics Code applied to - HB 52
Service Commission, provide authority for Attorney General to submit complaint to - HB 524
Purchasing from Prison Industries and nonprofit agencies and work centers - HB 13
Recreational Vehicle Certification and Licensure Board, repeal of - HB 308; SB 122: SCS, HFA (1)
Reorganization, Department of Law, Attorney General Executive Order AG 05-01 - HB 220
Reporting requirements and exemptions, government contracts - SB 73; HB 66
Require economic development cabinet and revenue to provide research data to LRC - HB 745
School Facilities Construction Commission - SB 205
Secretary of State, corporate law provisions - HB 350
SFCC and KDE to collaborate on school building model design program - SB 231
Social worker, threatening of - HB 73
assessment program, writing portfolios not to be required - SB 3
employment, veterans' hiring preference - HB 260
Police, Department of, concealed deadly weapon license, issuance of - HB 204
Use Commission, addition to membership - HB 13: HFA (1)
Branch Budget - HB 380: SCS, HCS
Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 93
Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 93: SCS
Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 380
Branch Budget, conference committee report - HB 380: CCR
harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, opt out provision - HB 270: HFA (4)
harassment, intimidation, or bullying, program or curriculum, adopted by school council - HB 270: HCS
harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - SB 109: HCS, HFA (1)
harassment, intimidation, or bullying, reporting of incidents - HB 270
Tardiness and habitual tardiness, policy to define - HB 138: HFA (2)
Teachers' Retirement System, allow reemployment of retired educators - HB 210
Technology, No Child Left Offline initiative, commending - HJR 199
Ten Commandments monument on Capitol grounds, direct placement of - HB 277: SCS
The Kentucky Youth Development Coordinating Council, establish - SJR 184; HJR 215
Translation services, cost of, study directed - HCR 175
Cabinet technology infrastructure, remove exemption for - SB 134: HFA (1)
Cabinet, certificates for driving, establish procedures for - SB 248
Cabinet, operation of All-terrain vehicles, no age restriction and helmet requirement - HB 164
Cabinet, pilot project for vegetation control near billboards - HJR 202
Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 70
Cabinet, urge issue of license plate honoring Abraham Lincoln in 2009 - SR 101
Cabinet, urge to keep Combs Airport open - HR 146
collaborate on organ and tissue donor registry - HB 57: HCS
Highway Superintendent I and II, educational requirements removed - HB 367
seat belt use signage - SB 171: HCS
Affairs Department, fiduciary responsibilities - HB 454; HB 24: FCCR
hiring preference, establishment of - HB 24; HB 24: SCS (1), SFA (1),(2)
Investment Board, reorganization of - SB 57
Investment Board, responsibilities - HB 219