Health and Medical Services

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Acupuncture, regulation of practice - HB 566; HB 566: HCS
Adequate number of surveyors for long-term care facilities, funding for - SR 41; HR 91
  • Day Association, task force membership to include - SCR 39: SFA(1)
  • day health care programs, delete description of individuals served by - SB 98: SCS
  • day health care programs, limitation of services by - SB 98: SCS
Advance directive, requirement for - HB 657
Advisory Council on the Prevention of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use by Youth, establishment of - HB 617: HFA(6)
  • gift, organ procurement organization policies related to - HB 255
  • gifts, prohibition of family and surrogate denial of - HB 208
Assisted living communities, requirements for certification of - HB 148
Auditory screening for births outside of institutions, notification of - HB 706: SFA(1)
Blood testing, corrections and jail populations, requirements and procedure for - HB 429
Boarding homes, residents, needs exceeding definition of boarder, retention, agreement - HB 753
Brain injury trust fund, add qualifications and services for - HB 497: SFA(1)
Cabinet for Health services, Inspector General, subpoena powers - HB 670
Center of Excellence in rural health, maintenance of - SB 321
  • of need applications, extended reserve period for - SB 387: SFA(1)
  • of need, applications for - SB 387
  • of need, deleted exemption from - HB 452: HCS
  • surgical assistant, health benefit plans, services provided coverage under - SB 335: SFA(1),(2),(3)
  • surgical assistant, heath benefit plans, services provided coverage under - SB 335
  • health care providers, definition - HB 218: HFA(1)
  • health care providers, malpractice insurance, reimbursement for - HB 218; HB 218: HCS
  • health care providers, registration of - HB 218; HB 218: HCS
Children's Dental Health Month, proclaiming February, 2000, as - HR 94
Chiropractic services, Medicaid reimbursement for - SB 294; SB 245: HFA (1); SB 248: HFA (1)
Commission on mental health and substance abuse, regional councils, creation of - HB 843; HB 843: HCS, HCA (1)
Companionship service, minimum wage, exemption for - SB 382: SFA(2)
  • Gamblers Assistance Fund, creation of - HB 711
  • Gamblers Assistance Fund, funding for FY's 2001 and 2002 from grants & private sources - HB 711: HFA(1)
Continuing care retirement communities, exemption from certificate of need of - HB 452
Critical access hospital, qualification as - SB 305: HFA(2)
Culturally competent care, Medicaid requirements for - HB 762
Dentistry, application, licensing, and examination fees, board compensation - SB 121: SFA(1)
  • advertising services, change in - SB 121
  • Medicaid reimbursement rate - HB 267: HCS, HCA (1)
  • Medicaid reimbursement rates for - HB 267
Denturitry program, removal of - SB 121: HFA(2)
  • for Public Health, diabetic program by - HB 907
  • of Corrections, required report of HIV/AIDS management plans by - SB 227: HFA(3)
  • of death by registered nurses, conditions required for - HB 186: HCS
  • of death, registered nurses may make - HB 186
Disabled adults, services provide for - HB 213: HCA(1)
Disease, defendant, testing for - SB 227: SFA(4)
Dispensing of nonlegend drugs, definition of - HB 274: SCA(1)
  • medical services board, composition and terms changed for - HB 405: HCS(1)
  • medical services, creation of a board of - HB 405
  • medical services, motor vehicle coverage for - HB 405: HFA(1),(2),(3),(4)
  • medical services, omnibus changes - HB 370
  • medical services, regulation of - HB 405: HCS(2)
  • medical services, reimbursement rates, requirements for - HB 405
  • medical technicians, certification requirements for - HB 312
  • medical technicians, income tax credit for - HB 30
  • room care, prudent layperson standard - HB 757
Exemption from compulsory school attendance, authorization by chiropractor - HB 58
  • insurance claims, prompt payment by insurers - SB 279
  • insurance coverage of city pension fund retirees - HB 189
  • insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 450; HB 450: HFA (1)
  • insurance, contraceptive services, religious employer, exemption for - HB 450: HFA(2)
  • insurance, regulation of - HB 390: HCS(2)
  • Services Cabinet for, waiver for Medicaid copayments, requirement to request - SB 383
  • Services, Inspector General, power to issue subpoenas for review by - HB 570
Healthy Babies Work Group, creation of - HB 706: SFA(1)
  • informed consent, patient to give - SB 227: SFA(5),(6)
  • unique code reporting of - SB 227: SFA(2),(3), HFA (1),(2)
HIV/AIDS continuing education for licensed and certified professionals - HB 1030
  • Cabinet for Health Services, services provided by - SB 227: SCS
  • updated professional education relating to - SB 390
Home health aides, abuse registry for - HB 421; HB 421: HFA (1)
Hospital licensure, off-campus outpatient services included in - SB 330; SB 330: SCS
Hospitals and long-term care facility licensure, acuity-based staffing plan - HB 661
  • disproportionate share payments to - SB 339
  • licensure and reporting of - SB 339: SCS
Hypodermic syringes and needles, sale and disposal, regulation, repeal of - HB 601
Ileostomy supplies, tax exemption for - SB 86: SFA(1)
Immunization, hepatitis B, school age children - HB 564
  • with Disabilities Education Act, participation in - HB 51
Infusion supplies, sales tax exemption for - SB 380
Inherited metabolic disease, medical formulas, removal of cap for - SB 195: HFA(3); HB 202: HCS
  • Board of Nursing, delete advanced registered nurse practitioner from - HB 676: HFA(1)
  • Health Insurance Program, establishment of - HB 997
  • Racing Health & Welfare Fund, Inc., retirement plan for personnel, allow creation of - HB 625
  • Racing Health and Welfare Fund, Inc., funds to standardbred tracks for personnel, require - HB 625: HFA(1)
  • family care homes, delete increase in number of residents of - HB 262: HCS
  • family care homes, eligibility for and number of residents of - SB 60; HB 262
Licensing of optometrists, omnibus bill - HB 886
Lifesaving devices, standards for use - HB 49
  • care facilities, increase in salary for direct care personnel - SJR 40; HJR 90; HJR 90: HCS
  • care facilities, staff salary increase - HJR 90: HCA(1)
Low-income families, Medicaid expansion for - HB 1009; SB 232: HFA (1); HB 617: HFA (1),(14)
Mammograms, insurance coverage of - HB 9
  • care plan, added requirement of medical directors of - HB 525: HFA(1),(2)
  • care plans, deleted requirement of medical directors of - HB 525: HFA(3)
  • care plans, information on providers and services, formats permitted - SB 341: SFA(1)
  • care plans, provider and service information formats, permitted - SB 341
  • health care system option, eliminated in workers' compensation - HB 531
  • Settlement Agreement funds, use by the Kentucky youth tobacco control foundation - SB 327
  • Settlement Agreement funds, use of - HB 583: HFA(1)
  • Settlement Agreement, Kentucky health care improvement fund - HB 583: HCA(1)
  • Settlement Agreement, Kentucky health care improvement fund, creation of - HB 583
  • Settlement Agreement, oversight subcommittee - HB 611: FCCR
  • contracts, nondiscrimination standards added for - HB 762: HCS
  • coverage, extend to family at 150% of federal poverty level - HB 996: HFA(13)
  • drug study, added required component for - SB 343: SFA(2)
  • drug study, components required for - SB 343; SB 343: SFA (1)
  • drug study, report prior to data collection and analysis required for - SB 343
  • eligibility, set at 150% of federal poverty level - HB 996: HFA(9)
  • managed care, pharmacy exclusion and transportation inclusion - HB 74
  • services, adjust eligibility to 150% of federal poverty level - HB 996: HFA(8)
  • transportation, clarify payment schedule to brokers and subcontractors - HB 488: SFA(2)
  • critical access hospitals, payments at Medicare rate to - SB 305
  • dental fees for - SB 294: SFA(1)
  • managed care partnerships, expense reimbursement of - SB 304
  • optometrist's dispensing fee for - SB 294: SFA(1)
  • premiums and copayments for - HB 628
  • telehealth consultations, reimbursement for - HB 177: SCS
  • working parent coverage under - SB 361
Medical licensure, postgraduate training for - SB 45; HB 310; HB 310: SCS
  • health conditions, treatment for - HB 268
Multiple sclerosis, resolution in support of awareness of - HR 137
Naturopaths, prohibitions on practice - SB 306
  • standards for Medicaid contracts and providers, gender added to - HB 762: HFA(1),(2)
  • standards for Medicaid contracts and providers, geographic location added to - HB 762: HFA(1),(2)
  • standards for Medicaid contracts and providers, monitoring & enforcing of - HB 762: HFA(1)
  • standards for Medicaid contracts and providers, monitoring and enforcing of - HB 762: HFA(2)
Nursing practice and patient safety issues, subcommittee to study - HR 158
Nursing, dispensing, definition of - HB 676: SCS
  • therapist and occupational therapy assistants, requirements for - HB 888
  • therapy services, definition of - HB 888
Organ donation, hospitals required to request in certain circumstances - HB 36
Osteopath, prohibition against discrimination against - SB 51: SCS
Overtime pay, exemption for employees who provide companionship services - SB 382; SB 382: SFA (1)
Parkinson's disease, centers for treatment and services for patients - SB 267
Perinatal transmission of HIV, prevention of - HB 558
Pharmacist, right to refuse dispensing of particular medications by - HB 489
  • therapists, board membership, increase in - HB 618
  • therapists, disciplinary actions against - HB 618: HFA(1)
  • therapists, impaired practitioner committee, establishment of - HB 618
  • therapists, licensing reciprocity, requirements for - HB 618: HCA(1)
  • assistant & advanced registered nurse practitioner, examinations in mental hospitals by - SB 128: HCS
  • assistant and advanced registered nurse practitioner, examinations in mental hosp. by - SB 128: HFA(1)
  • assistant and advanced registered nurse practitioner, examinations in mental hospitals by - SB 128
  • pneumonia and influenza, reporting outbreaks of - HB 63: HCS
  • pneumonia and influenze, prevention of - HB 63
Prescription drugs, exempt from sales tax - HB 793
Prompt payment by insurers - SB 279: SCS, SFA (2), HFA (4)
Providers, participation in health plans - HB 371
  • licensing of denturists and advanced denturist certificate, denturity pilot project - SB 121: HCS
  • licensing of denturists, denturitry pilot project - HB 238; HB 238: HFA (1)
Psychiatric residential facilities for children, accreditation of - HB 449: SFA(2)
Public health departments, Medicaid managed care costs, reimbursement to - SB 6
Quality of long-term care, task force to study - SCR 39; HCR 60; SCR 39: SCS
Refusal to dispense medication, unlawful to discriminate for - SB 294: HFA(1),(2); SB 324: HFA (1)
Regional rape crisis center, creation and duties - HB 448
Registered nurse first assistant, coverage of services of - HB 281
  • Cabinet for Health Services, Executive Order 99-80 - HB 80
  • secretary of health services on Advisory Comm. on Health Policy, Exec. Ord. 98-1013 - HB 83
Residential care facility, notification requirements for - HB 128
  • care practitioners, "documented competency" definition added for - SB 351: SCS
  • care practitioners, revision of practice related to - SB 351
Rural studies, university and college study of - SB 321: SCS
  • health care service, documentation and recordkeeping protocols for - HB 305: HFA(2)
  • health care services, documentation and recordkeeping protocols for - HB 305: HFA(5)
  • health care services delivered in - HB 305: HCS(1)
Screening for prostate, colorectal, and cervical cancer, coverage of - HB 9: SFA(1)
Senior citizens, prohibition against smoking in - HB 1020
  • assault examination facility, creation of - HB 448; HB 448: HFA (1)
  • assault examination facility, definition of - HB 448: HCS
Smoking cessation and resistance, coordination of programs concerning - SB 293; SB 293: SCS
Social anxiety disorder, necessary treatment, coverage for - HB 144: SFA(1)
  • pathologists, teacher certification for - HB 161
  • pathology assistants, teacher certification for - HB 161: HCS
  • pathology in schools - HB 161: SCA(1)
State health plan, consistency with - SB 386
Substance abuse, coordination of programs concerning - SB 293; SB 293: SCS
  • force on study of end of life issues, delete 2 whereas clauses - HCR 44: SFA(2)
  • force to study end of life and pain management issues - HCR 44: SCS
  • force to study end-of-life care, creation of - HCR 44
  • force to study quality of long-term care, added member to - SCR 39: HFA(1)
Tax credit for qualified caregiving expenses - SB 360
Telehealth, provision of services through - HB 177
Terroristic threatening, use of weapon of mass destruction - HB 47: HCS
  • Master Settlement Agreement Funds, use of - HB 583: SCS
  • settlement, Health Care Improvement Fund, creation of - HB 611: HFA(1)
  • assessment, deleted requirement for - HB 762: HCS
  • assessment, requirements for - HB 762
Traumatic brain injury trust fund, services covered by - HB 497
Unattended child or disabled person in motor vehicle, prohibition against leaving - HB 116
Urban-county health department, ad valorem tax for - SB 299
Veterans' nursing homes, Hardin and Jefferson Counties required as next locations - HB 406: HCS
  • examination, provision of - HB 706: SFA(1)
  • examination, requirement date for - HB 706: SFA(1)
  • examinations and auditory screening of children, requirement for - HB 706
Workers' compensation, medical providers, location of - HB 992: SFA(4)

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