Emergency |
- medical services board, composition and terms changed for - HB 405: HCS(1)
- medical services, creation of a board of - HB 405
- medical services, motor vehicle coverage for - HB 405: HFA(1),(2),(3),(4)
- medical services, omnibus changes - HB 370
- medical services, regulation of - HB 405: HCS(2)
- medical services, reimbursement rates, requirements for - HB 405
- medical technicians, certification requirements for - HB 312
- medical technicians, income tax credit for - HB 30
- room care, prudent layperson standard - HB 757
Health |
- insurance claims, prompt payment by insurers - SB 279
- insurance coverage of city pension fund retirees - HB 189
- insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 450; HB 450: HFA (1)
- insurance, contraceptive services, religious employer, exemption for - HB 450: HFA(2)
- insurance, regulation of - HB 390: HCS(2)
- Services Cabinet for, waiver for Medicaid copayments, requirement to request - SB 383
- Services, Inspector General, power to issue subpoenas for review by - HB 570
Kentucky |
- Board of Nursing, delete advanced registered nurse practitioner from - HB 676: HFA(1)
- Health Insurance Program, establishment of - HB 997
- Racing Health & Welfare Fund, Inc., retirement plan for personnel, allow creation of - HB 625
- Racing Health and Welfare Fund, Inc., funds to standardbred tracks for personnel, require - HB 625: HFA(1)
Managed |
- care plan, added requirement of medical directors of - HB 525: HFA(1),(2)
- care plans, deleted requirement of medical directors of - HB 525: HFA(3)
- care plans, information on providers and services, formats permitted - SB 341: SFA(1)
- care plans, provider and service information formats, permitted - SB 341
- health care system option, eliminated in workers' compensation - HB 531
Medicaid |
- contracts, nondiscrimination standards added for - HB 762: HCS
- coverage, extend to family at 150% of federal poverty level - HB 996: HFA(13)
- drug study, added required component for - SB 343: SFA(2)
- drug study, components required for - SB 343; SB 343: SFA (1)
- drug study, report prior to data collection and analysis required for - SB 343
- eligibility, set at 150% of federal poverty level - HB 996: HFA(9)
- managed care, pharmacy exclusion and transportation inclusion - HB 74
- services, adjust eligibility to 150% of federal poverty level - HB 996: HFA(8)
- transportation, clarify payment schedule to brokers and subcontractors - HB 488: SFA(2)